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If You Have a Fitness Center, You Should Go Green!

By Richard J. Goldring, National Sales Executive

The consumer trends and preferences are continuously evolving and are also rapidly shifting towards environmental sustainability. As a result, many companies are making the transition to go green, including the health and fitness industry. A growing number of fitness centers have made environmentally-friendly changes without undergoing major transformation or breaking the bank. By incorporating eco-friendly practices in their day-to-day maintenance and operations, health and fitness centers are able to take small steps with great environmental impact.

Water Conservation – Water wastage management has become a global environmental priority. Having said that, it is inevitable for fitness centers to have a typically high daily water demand and consumption. Some of the latest methods for water conservation at fitness centers are to use recycled water for cleaning the facility, installing low-flow showerheads, and low-water laundry systems.

Low Electricity & Energy Requirements– There are many lighting choices available, like LED gym light bulbs, that require low energy and have the efficiency to meet the requirements of a fitness center. Many fitness facilities are also opting for exercise equipment that do not have high electricity requirements to further reduce the environmental impact for their business.

Facility Maintenance Practices – As fitness centers must always have a fresh and spotless environment, they mostly prefer to outsource the facility maintenance operations to a reliable partner. However, there is a growing demand for facility maintenance service providers that offer green and sustainable cleaning programs, such as Diversified Maintenance. The company believes that the atmosphere at gyms and fitness centers is moist, sweaty, full of germs with risk of infection and disease, but none of this means that it is necessary to use harmful chemicals to clean and sanitize these facilities. With minimized exposure to toxic and aggressive chemicals, enhanced indoor air quality, reduced water and air pollution, controlled waste with recyclable packaging, and more, Diversified develops tailored green cleaning programs to fulfill the specific sustainability requirements of its fitness industry customers.

To learn more about the benefits of custom eco-friendly solutions for your fitness center, get in touch with our expert Richard Goldring at