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Does Your Facility Maintenance Service Provider Facilitates Teamwork?

Contributed by Mark Gilbreth

Efficiency, Productivity, & Other Effects of Fostering Teamwork

Teamwork is essentially the force behind the success of outsourced facilities maintenance operations. It ensures that the on-ground teams come together to achieve the same goals which leads to a multitude of benefits, including putting together their strengths to work efficiently, faster problem-solving, better employee relations, raising morale, and more.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Among other comparisons that highlight the benefits of an outsourced facilities maintenance function over an in-house one is that professional service providers foster a culture of teamwork through different strategies, employee training and development, quality assurance, among others. Additionally, it creates a work environment driven by motivation and high morale. The facilities maintenance staff can not only work in teams to divide their workload effectively, but they can also establish accountability for taking responsibility of their performance which is necessary for delivering customer satisfaction. Both labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks can be shared between team members as simpler and more manageable tasks. As a result, a work environment that encourages teamwork cultivates healthy competition among the on-ground teams that draws them together to achieve a shared vision while maintaining their drive to gain recognition for both their individual and team contributions.

Another crucial aspect of effective teamwork in facilities maintenance services is providing cross-training to employees for acquiring new skills and knowledge to fulfill a variety of roles alongside their own assigned job requirements. Promoting teamwork through cross-training also reduces the impact of employee absenteeism and turnover by ensuring uninterrupted and seamless operations with consistent quality standards during unanticipated challenges or staff shortages.

In order to consistently raise service standards and be prepared for unforeseen changes and difficulties, Diversified Maintenance develops extensive personnel training and development programs that emphasize teamwork. Simultaneously, the Company boosts employee morale, improves their level of dedication to their jobs, and cultivates a sense of responsibility in them through training for a variety of skills necessary for each of their specific job positions as well as a focused cross-training program to help them develop skills for carrying out tasks in addition to their allocated ones when necessary. To learn more about the impact of teamwork on the performance and success of your outsourced facilities maintenance program, send me a note at: Mark Gilbreth