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Stand-Alone Janitorial Vs. Integrated Facility Maintenance Services

Janitorial services are regular, small office cleaning tasks required to keep a clean workplace daily. While the scope of services may vary according to customer requirements, janitorial companies typically provide basic cleaning, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, restroom cleaning, and other similar services. While all of their day-to-day cleaning duties are significant for business facilities, janitorial companies do not handle more demanding, in-depth, and labor-intensive cleaning and maintenance tasks. Instead, professional facility maintenance companies are fully equipped to satisfy far more comprehensive requirements using relevant technology and a highly trained workforce with specific skills to meet each customer’s scope of work.

In the long run, businesses must not only understand the difference between stand-alone janitorial services and facility maintenance solutions, but also the long-term benefits of an integrated facility maintenance program. With a single-vendor approach to addresses various requirements, professional facility maintenance services can be tailored to meet each customer’s unique requirements to include both, daily and frequent jobs as well as the services that are required intermittently but play a significant role in the upkeep and operational efficiency of any facility. However, many potential customers for these integrated services are presented with an extensive range of options to choose from. As a result of the industry growth over the years, it can be overwhelming to assess and select the right service partner. Among other criteria is the number of services offered that indicates a company’s readiness to implement a detailed program with a wide range of integrated services. As a result, customers are saved from the hassle of outsourcing a variety of tasks to several service providers. It is also essential to find a partner that can tailor its services to each customer’s requirements and scope of work. Other key areas to assess the quality and capabilities of a service provider include:

Recruitment Process
Employee Training Program
Industry Certifications
Equipment and Materials
Integration of Technology in Routine Operations
Client Relations and Communications

 Diversified Maintenance operates as a trusted service partner with 50 years of experience as well as proven best practices for customers in various types of industries. By designing tailored integrated programs for a wide range of cleaning and facility maintenance tasks, the Company delivers outstanding efficiencies, increased cost savings, high quality standards, and a host of other long-term benefits. At the same time, an in-depth analysis of each customer facility enables the team to generate a best-fit program in terms of the services, frequency, equipment and supplies, and strength of the workforce. To learn more on the impact of an integrated facility maintenance program on ensuring a clean and healthy work environment at all times, send a note to: