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Janitorial Services Can Help Thrive in the New Normal with a Long-Term Commitment

Contributed by Mark Gilbreth, Regional Sales Executive

As essential services, janitorial companies not only continued to function through the initial pandemic-driven lockdown but also went on to play a critical role in enabling businesses to resume operations afterward. Cleaning and janitorial employees were expected to step up from their traditional back-end roles and operate at the forefront of comprehensive and high-frequency cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing programs. As most businesses have now regained momentum, the current situation however is still far from bringing back normalcy from pre-pandemic times. Janitorial service providers are still required to remain committed to their customers to clean and maintain their facilities according to coronavirus-specific guidelines and expert recommendations.

In order to remain operational with effective cleaning protocols, janitorial partners must continue enhanced cleaning and sanitizing practices on a regular basis along with disinfecting and remediation services to mitigate the risk of infectious disease outbreaks. An effect approach with long-term benefits is to partner with a service provider that is working with a well-defined plan with precise objectives to attain through each step. Diversified Maintenance, for instance, has designed a 4 Part Commitment to address the existing COVID-19 pandemic related concerns as well as ensure the customers can keep their employees and workplaces safe through the long run. This four-part plan includes the following result-oriented measures:

  1. The project account team includes GBAC certified employees who are trained to prepare for, respond to, and recover from biohazards in the workplace.
  2. Customers are provided with a Level Three Exposure Cleaning that includes pre-disinfection for known exposure, load reduction to dispose of visible biological contamination, detailed deep cleaning for all surfaces, using electrostatic sprayers, among others.
  3. The Company ensures dedicated equipment and electrostatic foggers for each customer to provide Level Three cleaning.
  4. On-site supply of hospital grade disinfectant for use at customer facilities will also be made available.

Diversified Maintenance has formulated this detailed plan to minimize safety and health risk, prevent possible infection spread, and proactively respond in cases of known exposure or outbreak. Similarly, the new 4-part framework includes GBAC certified employees, deep cleaning and disinfecting protocols with focus on all high touch points, the use of electrostatic foggers, and other key measures to support businesses in their long-term goals of operational continuity in a safe environment. To learn more about effective janitorial solutions and strategic protocols for undisrupted business operations, send me a note at: Mark Gilbreth