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Is Your Facility Maintenance Partner Delivering Services to Match Your Needs?

Contributed by Darren Theodore, Regional Sales Executive

For every outsourced facility maintenance program, the ultimate result includes the output created through multiple processes and operations performed both, daily and on a schedule over a set length of time. As a result, businesses that outsource a wide range of their janitorial and facility maintenance functions to a single service provider, must not only focus on the quality of the services promised at the time of entering a new contract; but a successful facility maintenance program with integrated services must also align with the objectives and expectations of the customer through each step. Customized strategies as well as the scope of work, workers recruited to do the tasks, work breakdown, and other considerations are all an important part of a comprehensive, integrated facility maintenance program.

No matter the industry a business belongs to, it can only operate at full capacity with its employees working to their best ability when the facility is clean, maintained, safe, and sanitary for all individuals working or visiting. With such a significant role to play, the backend cleaning and maintenance functions must be performed without delay, at adequate frequency, and by well-trained personnel on a regular basis. As a result, outsourcing these responsibilities to a professional service provider is deemed convenient, cost-effective, and successful for most businesses. However, the capabilities of a service provider to truly achieve the desired goals and meet the cleaning and maintenance requirements of a business greatly depend on key factors, such as:

  • Reliability – Dependability is an essential characteristic for service providers as customers rely on their services at different hours of the day and night. Reliability and dependability should be ensured in terms of both, the quality of services delivered as well as the availability of services to satisfy customer requirements based on their operational days and hours.
  • Industry Experience – In order to trust a new service provider prior to start-of-service, many customers rely on several performance benchmarks and criteria. Among other service attributes, the number of years of experience also adds to the possible success of a facility maintenance program as it translates to business success over the years.
  • Employee Training and Development – While the recruitment process is critical for the success of a future integrated service program for facility maintenance, it is equally essential to provide in-depth training and development opportunities to all employees. A well-trained crew can not only deliver high quality services but is also capable to resolve issues proactively and provide high standards of customer service throughout the contract period.

Diversified Maintenance understands the shifts in expectations from businesses in a wide range of industries. Customers and their employees are rapidly evolving after the pandemic and the Company is determined to deliver an experience tailored to satisfy the needs of the future. The certifications and accolades achieved are also proof of quality, reliability, transparency, and customer satisfaction delivered consistently over the years. To learn more about a redefined experience with an integrated facility maintenance program customized to meet your business needs, send me a note at: Darren Theodore