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Importance of Embracing Diversity & Inclusion by Facilities Maintenance Companies

Contributed by the Diversified Maintenance Diversity and Inclusion Team

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is not new for the facilities maintenance industry but the initiatives are often driven by the only goal of growing the potential talent pool. As a short-sighted approach to incorporate D&I into an organization, several facilities maintenance service providers must reevaluate their goals to not only create a genuinely diverse and inclusive workplace but also be able to achieve better outcomes from the D&I strategy. Some of the outstanding benefits of a well-structured D&I program include:

  • Higher financial returns
  • Improved brand image and customer appreciation
  • Enhanced employee engagement and productivity
  • Low employee turnover rate
  • Better recruitment results and a variety of different perspectives

In order to develop a holistic D&I approach in facilities maintenance companies, the following considerations are necessary for a significant impact:

Unbiased Hiring Process – Even with ongoing hiring patterns being inclined toward Diversity & Inclusion, facilities maintenance companies tend to disregard unconscious biases in the process. The recruitment process must be reassessed and strengthened to ensure employee screening, hiring, and evaluation is free from possible biases. An effective approach is to incorporate technology in the screening phase.

Design Growth & Development Initiatives – In addition to equality in other key aspects, such as the recruitment process, pay structure, and employee benefits, facilities maintenance companies must invest in training and development programs for all employees to thrive, boost their morale, elevate customer service, and have a positive effect on the company’s financial performance.

Cross Training Initiatives – Facilities maintenance companies can further introduce new and versatile skills through cross training on different types of job requirements apart from the ones they were originally hired for. Service providers can nurture a diverse and dynamic workforce by integrating D&I initiatives with a cross training program, while improving the company’s operational capacity and efficiency.

With a growing awareness, potential customers for outsourced facilities maintenance services are looking to partner with companies with an effective D&I program. The initiatives can combine a supportive culture that promotes each individual’s skills, viewpoints, and experiences while adding to a wide range of benefits for the service provider.

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