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Floor Cleaning & Disinfecting Program – An Integral Element of Creating a Healthy Environment

Contributed by Cindy Fetters, Regional Sales Executive

While different businesses and industries have different criteria for cleaning and maintenance, the core functions are largely similar with the primary goal of creating a clean, safe, and healthy environment at their facility. In light of the novel coronavirus, all types of facilities are in need of a sound cleaning and disinfecting program that is established with enhanced protocols to reduce the spread of germs, viruses, and other pathogens.

The commercial cleaning and facilities maintenance companies have responded to the growing demand for deep cleaning and disinfecting in various ways. However, there are   some service providers that focus so much on the most common high-touch surfaces and traffic areas that they tend to overlook the significance of cleaning and disinfecting floors. Even though floors are not necessarily a major cause of spreading viruses, they are still likely to harbor germs and be indirectly responsible for environmental contamination. As a result, business owners must consider partnering with a facilities maintenance service provider that has the experience and expertise of meeting all types of health and safety guidelines including floor care, cleaning, and disinfecting.

Professional service providers understand that floors are an integral part of the high-touch surfaces in any facility. Being contaminated with all sorts of biohazards and germs pulled down to it by gravity or stuck on it through shoes, the floor of any type of business facility is a high-touch surface that must be cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized with adequate protocols and products. Furthermore, the experienced team for a facilities maintenance company adequately assesses each facility to draw up a plan with the most suited products and cleaning frequency. The use of a wrong product or inadequately frequent cleaning are both detrimental for the floor maintenance as well as the health and safety of the employees and customers visiting a business facility.

Diversified Maintenance provides trained and experienced personnel for a wide range of cleaning, disinfecting, and facilities maintenance requirements. The team of experts implement a floor cleaning and disinfecting program based on their evaluation of the type of floor and other facility requirements. The Company also ensures key expert guidelines are also complied with, such as CDC’s recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting floors at least once daily, cleaning the floors last, changing the cleaning products and equipment as soon as required to ensure that no area is wiped with previously soiled solution, and many more. To learn more about the difference that professional solutions can make on the overall environmental cleaning including floor care and maintenance as well as employee health and well-being, send me a note at: Cindy Fetters