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Commodity vs Partnership: Is Your Janitorial Service Provider Interested in Building Trust & Relationship

Contributed by Mark Gilbreth, Regional Sales Executive

In B2B relationships, it is critical that both parties involved have the same understanding of the process as well as the same expectations from the end result. This type of strong business relationship bridges the gap between a customer and the vendor, supplier, or external service provider. With an increasing number of businesses opting for outsourcing to fulfill their various requirements, it has become even more important for their suppliers and service providers to emerge as their partners.

Depending on the wide range of service requirements for a business, customers choose to outsource basic commodities as well as more specialized services. It is important to understand that specialist services are not necessarily industry-specific, customer-specific, or related to the core operations. In fact, many back-end support or non-core operations are also important functions for businesses across all industries. When the service provider has a significant impact the seamless operations of a business, it becomes essential that the company views its customer as a partner and ensures that their relations are built on trust and transparency.

“A supplier or vendor relationship is primarily transactional—you reach out to each other as needed. A partnership, however, is more value added and moves you toward being part of strategizing and deliberating before, during, and after the transaction is needed. You build a relationship, a knowledge of each other’s working styles, and a natural cadence of communication.” – Kevin D. Wilde (Former CLO of General Mills and co-author of “Power Up Your L&D Partnerships”)

Among the comprehensive list of outsourcing opportunities, many businesses recognize the benefits of working with a professional cleaning and facility maintenance company. While there are many options available with standardized and straightforward offerings, businesses tend to prefer more experienced partners with the capacity to deliver customized solutions. Here are the most important ways your facility maintenance operator should work as your partner with a vision to establish a longstanding relationship with your company:

  • For a cleaning and maintenance service provider to promise a partnership to its customers, it is imperative that its management and supervisors dedicate their time, effort, and resources in truly understanding the requirements that must be met. It is this engagement that enables the company to set realistic goals and implement them in optimal ways for both businesses.
  • An external vendor will more likely work for its own gains and profit. A partner company to maintain a customer’s facility with a wide range of integrated solutions will ensure customer budget is respected and deliver year-over-year savings in the long run.
  • A constructive approach to anticipating and addressing future problems is another integral component of a beneficial partnership with a facility maintenance company. During times where changes are necessary to the predetermined schedule or procedures, a partner does not hesitate to get their crew to prioritize delivering a new solution rather than to take an easier or economical way out.
  • Simplicity is another important part of building a partnership based on transparency and trust. Customers benefit from working with a service provider that can deliver the requirements with simplicity. The business environment keeps evolving at a rapid pace, and to keep up with such dynamics requires support services to be delivered without disruptions and unnecessary complications.

Diversified Maintenance is an integrated facilities service partner with a customer-centric model and dedicated management teams for each business. To learn more about what sets the company apart, send me a note at: Mark Gilbreth