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What Preventative Maintenance Can Do for Your Business

Contributed by Darren Theodore, Regional Sales Executive

Some of the core functions for a facilities maintenance service provider include regular cleaning and periodic maintenance involving various mundane tasks. It often becomes easy for most on-ground staff to get stuck in a rut with non-changing daily work pattern which in turn has an impact on productivity, efficiency, and even safety for themselves and other employees working at the facility. One of the most significant reasons for lost productivity and employee engagement is the reactive approach their company works with. Several facilities maintenance service providers execute repair and maintenance activities only when they are needed, such as when a problem arises or something has to be fixed. This deferred approach can result in several disadvantages that include higher maintenance costs for the customer.

Facilities maintenance companies, on the other hand, that choose to operate with preventative maintenance approach can help their customers achieve higher productivity and other benefits including:

Reduced Downtime – A pre-planned maintenance schedule prior to any problems that require repairs significantly reduces operational downtime for the customer. Scheduled and preventative cleaning and maintenance makes it possible to select a day and time that does not disrupt daily core operations at the customer’s facility.

Enhanced Safety – Overseeing a facility with focus on identifying possible upcoming issues and resolving them proactively also results in higher health and safety standards at any workplace.

Long-Term Cost Saving – Preventative maintenance plans are meant to make the best use of time and resources since they work before a problem arises. As a result, a facilities maintenance partner’s preventative strategy helps customers avoid unnecessary repair expenses that are greater than the cost of proactively cleaning and maintaining their facility and equipment.

Diversified Maintenance implements a cleaning and maintenance regimen designed with both, preventative guidelines and expert recommendations for the ‘new normal’ work environment. Each customer site is assessed to develop a long-term plan to include required tasks, adequate frequency of tasks, periodic maintenance schedules, and a timeline that allows on-ground staff to identify and resolve unexpected problems proactively. To learn more about the benefits of preventative cleaning and maintenance, send me a note at: Darren Theodore