Goodyear Fayetteville Crews Celebrate a Job Well Done

Diversified and Goodyear managers recently treated each of the four Diversified crews at the Goodyear plant in Fayetteville, NC with pizza parties to recognize their outstanding performance. We have 110 employees, 4 supervisors, 1 Assistant Manager and a Project Manager that run our cleaning operations at the plant.

Goodyear Fayetteville is a very large operation with many moving parts at all times. Our Diversified team does an extraordinary job! Often the customer’s needs change quickly, unexpected events create new challenges, and we have to re-direct all of our efforts in sync with other. The customer’s confidence is moving in the right direction, and our team members feel they are supported and working together towards one goal. Congratulations to all our outstanding people at Goodyear Fayetteville, and thank you for the phenomenal work you do!