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Aligning Vision with Requirements: The Importance of Scope of Work in Facilities Maintenance

Contributed by Chris Payne, Regional Sales Executive

It is common practice for several businesses to transition to a new facilities maintenance service provider with immense focus on the objectives of the program. As a result, both parties direct their efforts in defining different attainable outcomes from the program, while overlooking the importance of scope of work.

Scope of work for a facilities maintenance company outlines the direction it will move in while clearly defining the specific activities and deliverables of the customer’s facilities maintenance contract. With the evolution of facilities maintenance into an integrated and essential function for businesses in all industries, the service providers are taking up multidisciplinary responsibilities. Therefore, predetermined scope of work allows the service provider and customer to be on the same page regarding the policies and operations of the overall facilities maintenance plan and schedule.

The scope of work for facilities maintenance involves many key elements such as contract specifications, customer budget, and contract execution procedures, among others. As a result, scope of work gives context of the new service contract for the customer and the employees responsible to execute it.

Diversified Maintenance facilitates a service plan tailored to meet each customer’s cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing, and maintenance needs. With custom solutions, the Company establishes Scope of Work to define specific requirements, quality performance standards, goals and objectives, and other customer-specific needs and expectations. To learn more about integrated solutions with a transparent specifications and seamless service transition, send me a note at: Chris Payne